What is trading ?
Trading is a complex act of financial
securities and it takes a lot of discipline to be the best. Setting a
particular process and following it whole heartedly is something which can
determine an investors approach towards trading. Those investors who followed
the process and stayed disciplined are now ruling.
Those who followed the process and stayed disciplined are now ruling
Traders and investors have seen a lot of ups
and downs amidst the outbreak of COVID-19. The market saw a lot of fluctuations
in the past 8 months which had created a sort of uncertain behavior amongst the

Stock Market Discipline
You must have always heard from people to stay
focused, be disciplined, make routines to follow, live in the process and what
not. What does ‘’be in discipline’’ exactly mean?
Wait, no it’s not what you’re thinking. No one
is going to make you run 100’s of Kilometers under the sizzling sun. Here
discipline means, staying committed to your process of trading and being honest
to your own trading journey. From formulating trading strategies to
implementation of your desired trade, it all counts.
People’s advice to be disciplined is
everywhere over the internet. Although its pretty difficult to accomplish all
your ideas present deep down in your mind. We can change the system that
encompasses our discipline. Traders often tend to feel under the shell when
things don’t click for them. It’s a humane thing but getting out of the shell
before you drown deep is indispensable. Investors and traders Have to cope-up
with debts, losses and market crash which is pretty uncertain. But in spite of
all the break throughs the one who stayed disciplined and followed the process
of trading are finding their way out.
You must have heard ‘’don’t be so harsh on
yourself’’ well if you don’t let it come harsh on you, nothing can help your
way out. Being a bit harsh on yourself to make things work is no harm. You have
to be gutsy to be a successful trader. They key is to find the balance in your
life to walk on the path of successful trading.